class: middle, center # nCine: a world with custom in-house engines **is** possible Angelo "_Encelo_" Theodorou  --- # The author 👴 - Born in 1983, grown up with C= Amigas for ten years (1991- 2001) - Fell in love with Amiga games and its demoscene - An everyday desktop *nix user for almost 25 years - Using Arch Linux daily since 2005 - Interested in low-level coding and computer graphics - Engine and graphics programmer for mobile and console games - Natural Motion's Echo engine (Clumsy Ninja, Dawn of Titans) - EA Frostbite (FIFA 18-20, Battlefield V, Battlefront II, Anthem) - Bethesda's Creation Engine 2 (Starfield) - Developing the nCine since June 2011 --- ## What is a custom in-house engine? 🤔 - Custom: developed alongside a game to serve its needs - In-house: tech and game teams work under the same roof -- - With lots of **exceptions**: - Can be reused for multiple games (RAGE) - Can be licensed to other studios (id Tech) - Can be developed by a specific division within a company (Frostbite) -- - The **opposite** of this is a generic software technology - Can be used to develop different types of games - Distributed or sold by a specialized (sometimes non-game) company - Think of Unreal, Unity, CryEngine, Godot, GameMaker, … -- - Custom engines are especially employed in AAA games - But there are some notable indie exceptions 💪 --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? ### Yes, but also no. 😏 --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #0   Well, we all know how well it went... 😅 --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #1 Articles on this theme: - [On the Perceived Inevitability of Unreal]( by _Alex Tardif_ - [Ships, Icebergs, Game Engines]( by _Ryan Fleury_ - [A case for building your own tech | Opinion]( by _Dan Baker_ - [Handmade Network]( List of game engines and frameworks: - [Custom Game Engines: A Small Study]( by _raysan5_ - [Indie Bookmarks: some indie games and their technology]( by _Encelo_ --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #2 The author is a Lead Graphics Programmer at ZeniMax Online Studios. - In-house engine development has declined over the last decade - The pool of game engine and graphics talent is shrinking - Independent game middlewares are dead (bought by Unity/Epic) - The framework and tooling infrastructure is too much work (From "_On the Perceived Inevitability of Unreal_" by Alex Tardif) --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #3 Written just after _The Machinery_ was obliterated from the face of the Earth. - When you give up ownership, you give up your rights - You lose your agency over time, money, professional development - Something that is more abstract exposes fewer capabilities - Not everything you could do in your own engine is possible in a pre-built game engine - The "_don't reinvent the wheel_" mantra diminishes ownership and scoffs at self-reliance (From "_Ships, Icebergs, Game Engines_" by Ryan Fleury) --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #4 Written by Oxide Games' co-founder and CTO. - Innovation and unique gameplay: build a game that breaks the mold - Attract top devs who want to leave a mark, solve novel problems, work on cutting-edge technology - Custom tech can be initially expensive, but the investments can yield long-term savings - It seems Unity and Unreal won't stay inexpensive and perpetual - A custom engine usually compiles faster and runs faster in debug - Some games have technological requirements that off-the-shelf engines cannot satisfy - Even off-the-shelf solutions need a technical investment for customization (From "_A case for building your own tech | Opinion_" by Dan Baker) --- ## Can't you just use Unity/Unreal like everyone else? #5 - Computers are amazing - So why is software so terrible? - Slow to load, thirsty on batteries, crashes all the time - We made it terrible - We ignored the hardware, we glued together libraries so we didn't have to learn, we built layers on top of layers until no one knew how anything worked - We're building Rube Goldberg machines, and users are paying the cost. - But there is another way - We can build software that works with the computer, not against it. All you need is an open mind and a sense of curiosity. (From the _Handmade Network Manifesto_)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal ## Some examples from the indie ecosystem --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #1 **Spelunky Classic**, 21/12/2008 (GameMaker)  **Spelunky HD** and **Spelunky 2** use a custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #2 **Legend of Grimrock**, 11/04/2012, by _Almost Human Games_ (Custom)  **Legend of Grimrock 2** also made with the same custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #3 **Little Inferno**, 19/11/2012, by _Tomorrow Corporation_ (Custom)  **World of Goo**, **Human Resource Machine**, and **7 Billion Humans** are all based on a custom engine too --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #4 **Guacamelee!**, 09/04/2013, by _DrinkBox Studios_ (Custom)  **Guacamelee! 2** also on a custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #5 **Don't Starve**, 23/04/2013, by _Klei Entertainment_ (Custom)  Most of their games are made with custom technology (**Mark of the Ninja**, **Invisible, Inc.**, **Griftlands**), **Oxygen Not Included** is made with Unity 😢 --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #6 **Hammerwatch**, 12/08/2013, by _Crackshell_ (Custom)  **Heroes of Hammerwatch** and **Hammerwatch 2** use a custom engine too --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #7 **Banished**, 18/02/2014, by _Shining Rock Software_ (Custom)  His next solo game also runs on custom technology --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #8 **Shovel Knight**, 26/06/2014, by _Yacht Club Games_ (Custom)  **Pocket Dungeon** made with GameMaker Studio, **Mina the Hollower** with a custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #9 **Crypt of the Necrodancer**, 23/04/2015, by _Brace Yourself Games_ (Custom)  **Industries of Titan** made with UE4 🤷 --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #10 **Victor Vran ARPG**, 24/07/2015, by _Haemimont Games_ (HaemimontSol)  All their games are made with their custom engine, including **Surviving Mars**, **Tropico 3-4-5**, **Jagged Alliance 3** --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #11 **Prison Architect**, 06/10/2015, by _Introversion Software_ (Custom)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #12 **Darkest Dungeon**, 19/01/2016, by _Red Hook Studios_ (Custom)  **Darkest Dungeon 2** runs on Unity 😢 --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #13 **Stardew Valley**, 26/02/2016, by _ConcernedApe_ (XNA, then MonoGame)  **Haunted Chocolatier** is in development using MonoGame --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #14 **Celeste**, 25/01/2018, by _Matt Makes Games_ (FNA and MonoGame)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #15 **Into the Breach**, 27/02/2018, by _Subset Games_ (Custom)  **Faster Than Light** also made with a custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #16 **Yoku's Island Express**, 29/05/2018, by _Villa Gorilla_ (Custom)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #17 **Dead Cells**, 06/08/2018, by _Motion Twin_ ([Heaps](  All _Shiro Games_ titles are made with Heaps too (**Evoland**, **Evoland 2**, **Northgard**, **Darksburg**, **Dune: Spice Wars**) --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #18 **Wargroove**, 01/02/2019, by _Chucklefish Games_ ([Halley](  **Wargroove2** and **Witchbrook** also on the same engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #19 **Pathway**, 11/04/2019, by _Robotality_ (Custom)  [Devlog #18: The Art and Tech behind Pathway]( --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #20 **Factorio**, 14/08/2020, by _Wube Software_ (Custom)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #21 **Hades**, 17/09/2020, by _Supergiant Games_ ([The Forge](  Previous games are all made with XNA or MonoGame (**Bastion**, **Transistor**, **Pyre**) --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #22 **Eastward**, 16/09/2021, by _Pixpil_ (MOAI)  "Behind the garage scene. Showing deferred buffers." from [Twitter]( --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #23 **The Riftbraker**, 14/10/2021, by _EXOR Studios_ (Custom)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #24 **Teardown**, 21/04/2022, by _Tuxedo Labs_ (Custom)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #25 **Return To Monkey Island**, 19/09/2022, by _Terrible Toybox_ (Custom)  **Thimbleweed Park** also made with the same custom engine --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #26 **Balatro**, 20/02/2024, by _LocalThunk_ (LÖVE)  --- # They didn't use Unity/Unreal #27 **Norland**, 16/05/2024, by _Long Jaunt_ (GameMaker Studio)  [The Four Elements and Their Graphic Effects: Exploring Shaders in a 2D Game]( [Simulation of three-dimensional buildings in a 2D game]( --- # The nCine ⚙️ --- # What is nCine? - Encelo + engine = nCine 😏 - Cross-platform 2D game framework - Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, Emscripten, MinGW-w64 - Tested on: Nvidia Shield, Asus ZenWatch 1, Raspberry Pi, Steam Deck - Supports multiple compilers: GCC, Clang, MSVC, AppleClang - Suitable for games, prototypes, tools, demos - [Open source]( with a MIT license - Small enough to be fully understood by one person --- # Main Features #1 - Written in C++11 but can be scripted with Lua - Uses OpenGL 3.3 and ES 3.0 for graphics, OpenAL for the audio - Can load and save PNG and WebP images (via libpng and libwebp) - Can also load GPU-compressed formats like ASTC, ETC2, PVR, DXT, etc. - Can load WAVE sounds or stream Vorbis music (via libogg and libvorbis) - Automatic culling and batching of sprites - Sprites can be rectangles or 2D meshes, with spritesheet animations - Custom user shaders without sacrificing automatic batching - Multiple viewports (for split-screen or post-processing) - Bitmap font rendering with kerning pairs and Unicode characters - Logging system with multiple levels, and console or file output --- # Main Features #2 - nCTL custom template library used in place of STL - Containers (arrays, lists, hashmaps, sparse sets), iterators, algorithms - Unique and shared smart pointers - Basic math library for vectors, 4x4 matrices and quaternions - Custom code for strings, atomic operations, monotonic clocks - Custom memory allocators (linear, stack, pool, free-list) - Filesystem functions for queries and operations on files and directories - Thread pool creation, synchronization, and affinity assignment - Can use GLFW, SDL2, or Qt5 as desktop backends - Gamepad support with SDL2 gamepad mapping strings on all backends - Integration with [Dear ImGui]( and [Nuklear]( for user interfaces - Integration with [RenderDoc]( (gfx debugger) and [Tracy]( (frame profiler) --- # Main Features (screenshots #1)     Sprite batching, Tracy integration, ImGui debug overlay, Lua scripting --- # Main Features (screenshots #2)  []( [](  Multiple viewports, custom shaders, custom allocators test, text rendering --- # Development Tools - [CMake]( and CPack for build and installation on all platforms - [Google Test]( for unit testing and [Benchmark]( for micro-benchmarks - [Gcovr]( for unit test coverage - [GitHub Actions]( for Continuous Integration - [Cppcheck]( for static C/C++ code analysis - [Valgrind]( and AddressSanitizer (ASAN) for memory debugging - [clang-format]( for automatic code formatting - [Doxygen]( for documentation (extracted from source comments) --- # Development Tools (screenshots)     Gcovr, Doxygen, Google Test, Valgrind --- # Lines of code ``` /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Language files blank comment code| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |C++ 376 16634 3186 81469| |C/C++ Header 343 7334 4097 30250| |CMake 44 711 386 5648| |YAML 7 177 12 883| |XML 2 0 1 722| |Lua 8 137 5 531| |GLSL 21 67 0 340| |Markdown 1 10 0 63| |Gradle 2 1 0 23| |INI 1 2 0 10| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |SUM: 805 25073 7687 119939| \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ``` Just the main `nCine` repository, not including any external projects --- # Some projects #1 []( [Jazz² Resurrection](, a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 reimplementation by _deathkiller_ --- # Some projects #2 []( [JugiMap](, a level editor that integrates with nCine, by _Jugilus_ --- # Some projects #3 []( [ncJump](, a platform with Box2D physics and integrated editor, by _Fahien_ --- # Some projects #4 []( [SpookyGhost](, a tool to create procedural animations for sprites, by _Encelo_ --- # Some projects #5  [ncTracer](, a simple brute-force multi-threaded CPU path tracer --- # Some projects #6  [ncTiledViewer](, a loader for the Tiled TMX map format (using `pugixml`) --- # Some projects #7 []( [ncParticleEditor](, an ImGui editor for the nCine particle system --- # Some projects #8 []( [ncInvaders](, a simple version of Space Invaders --- # Some projects #9 []( [ncPong](, an example game also available in Lua --- # Recent developments - Latest big features added: - Binary shader cache (helps with slow shader compilation time with ANGLE on UWP/Xbox) - OpenAL EAX/EFX audio effects and filters - On hold but nearly complete: - [Crashpad]( integration for crash reporting (probably with missing Android support 😢) - Work in progress: - Multi-threading job system (lock-free queue with job stealing, parent/children jobs, continuations, parallel for) - What's next: - An editor? Vulkan support? ECS with data oriented design? a game? --- # Future tasks and ideas - Better documentation, tutorials, and site presentation - Full-fledged ImGui editor - Graphics API abstraction and Vulkan backend - Lock-free multi-threaded jobs system and data-oriented ECS - Bindings for Rust/Haxe, scripting integration with Wren/AngelScript - A simple free game to release on and/or Steam - Box2D integration for physics and collisions - Metal backend and thus iOS port - A game jam with prizes --- # Links - Site: - GitHub: - Twitter: - Discord: - YouTube: - Blog: ### Questions?